What is electrolysis?

Electrolysis is a method of permanently removing hairs from the face and body. A fine probe, often the size of the hair itself, is inserted into the hair follicle. Once the probe is in place, a small electric current is applied, damaging the hair root and the cells responsible for hair growth within the hair follicle. This process inhibits the follicle's ability to produce new hair. With electrolysis, you can kiss razers, waxing, and plucking goodbye!

Length of treatment

It is important to know that electrolysis is not a one-stop-shop. It is a time-consuming process that requires a series of treatments. On average, treatments will last 12-18 months - and can be broken down into three 16-week treatments.

The first 16 weeks: This period consists of the initial clearing of the actively growing hair in that area. Appointments are kept on a weekly (or bi-weekly) basis and will typically last 30-60 minutes depending on the location and density of growth.

The second 16 weeks: During this time, I will treat the hairs that were previously in an unobtainable stage of their growth cycle. Additionally, I will target any regrowth from the previous treatments - as some hair will require more than one treatment. These hairs will be thinner, lighter, and less dense. At this point, the frequency and duration of your appointments will lessen.

The third 16 weeks: The last 16 weeks are referred to as the “maintenance period” of your treatment. During this time, appointments will be scheduled infrequently and for shorter sessions. Maintenance appointments will continue until all terminal hairs in the area have been permanently removed.

Note: Clients with excessive growth may require an additional series of treatments. The number of treatments needed will be determined by your dedication to regularly scheduled appointments.